Parents with their child

Expecting and New Parents

This information highlights policies that will help expecting and new parents garner insight on how to best advocate for themselves on campus, along with information about our extensive lactation spaces and support services.
  • Pregnancy Testing and Options
    Student Health and Counseling Services page outlining resources available for pregnancy testing and related resources.

Resources for Students Who are Expecting a New Addition to their Families

  • Welcome New Little Aggies form 
    If you are a UC Davis student who is pregnant, a partner of someone who is pregnant, recently adopted a child, started serving as a foster parent, or started caring for a younger sibling/family member, fill out this form to connect to soon-to-be parents and new caregivers, and to receive information on useful resources.
  • Support for pregnant students through the Student Disability Center
    Pregnant students may wish to seek academic accommodation services and support through the Student Disability Center.
  • Family & Medical Leave
    Information on taking Family & Medical Leave for funded graduate students.
  • The Pregnant Scholar
    Learn about your rights as a pregnant student.
  • Title IX Compliance and Policy
    UC Davis Title IX Compliance and Policy helps to ensure that pregnant students do not experience discrimination. Staff offers consultation and a complaint process for addressing discrimination.

Resources for Students with Newborns and Young Children

Also see the sections on Childcare and Financial Support for helpful information.