Learn about academic policies and temporary leave options specific to student parents to ensure that you personalize your educational plan in the way that best meets your needs. Note that not all students choose to take a leave; students are encouraged to consider all possible options.
- Email Outreach to Faculty Members
To help student parents communicate with their professors, the Transfer and Reentry Center (TRC) can reach out to professors on a student's behalf to begin the conversation of requesting flexibility and exploring options for students to be proactive in addressing conflicts between family and academic responsibilities.
Please note that this outreach and request for flexibility are NOT accommodations - students who have documented disabilities are encouraged to contact the Student Disability Center (SDC) for support. Additionally, students who are pregnant may also seek assistance through the SDC. Accommodations such as extended time on tests, notetakers, assistive technology, and excused absences can only be provided through the SDC.
The outreach messages from the TRC are meant to bring awareness to faculty of a student parent's experience and begin the conversation around possible success strategies (addressing absences due to children's illness, periodic need to bring a child to class, submitting work early in anticipation of family obligations, etc.). It is most effective to submit an outreach request within the first 10 days of the quarter or the week before the quarter begins. - Email Templates for Reaching Out to Professors
Some student parents find it useful to reach out to the professors teaching their courses at the beginning of each quarter to introduce themselves as student parents, be proactive in preparing for the quarter, and discuss strategies for success and flexibility. Here are templates you can use to model your communications with your professors. - Family & Medical Leave for Funded Graduate Students
Information on taking Family & Medical Leave for funded graduate students. - Guidelines for Student Parents with Children on Campus
These guidelines offer information and considerations on bringing children to campus. - Part-time status application
Students may petition for approval of Part-Time status for a minimum of one and a maximum of three consecutive regular terms (Fall, Winter, Spring). Successive petitions are permitted. If you are a student parent or medical caregiver for another family member and need to submit a Part Time Status Application to the Office of the University Registrar, please email Marissa at mlweiss@ucdavis.edu to request a letter of support for your application. - Planned Educational Leave Program
The Planned Educational Leave Program (PELP) allows any continuing undergraduate or graduate level student to temporarily suspend academic work at UC Davis. Undergraduates may take may take one PELP leave of up to three consecutive quarters during their academic career at UC Davis. For graduate students, the maximum leave is up to one year. - Priority Registration for Student Parents and Caregivers for Adult Family Members (only undergraduate students)
Undergraduate students responsible for providing for children and students who are caregivers for adult family members can apply to receive priority registration. Visit the Transfer and Reentry Center website for more details or to apply. - Tutoring
Information on tutoring services for undergraduate students.